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FOTO: Púť k Božskému Srdcu v Litave 15. 06. 2012

Svätý Otec Ján Pavol II.

zo srdca udeľuje svoje osobitné

Apoštolské požehnanie

pri oslave 300 rokov jeho trvania
vo farnosti Litava na Slovensku,
kde v spolupráci so Spolkom svätého ruženca
sa pričiňuje
o upevnenie katolíckej viery.

Vatikán, 28. novembra 2003

Fara Litava - 1135 | Created 2010


Keď ťa to v kostole nebaví

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2012, Pavol Otto # Released under BSD license ( ) import os, sys, re from mod_python import util from datetime import timedelta from cgi import escape sys.path.append( os.path.join( os.path.split( __file__)[ 0], "litcal")) from litcalendar import litcalendar linkreplace = re.compile( "(?<=)") liturgia_link = "%s" format_xml_cell = """ %s %s """ format_xml = """ %d %d %d %s %s %s %s """ format_httag = """
Dnešný dátum: %s
Katolícky kalendár:
""" # len dnesok httag_dnes = """
- liturgia: %s
""" # dnesok aj zajtrajsok httag_dn_zajtra = """
Dnes: %s
- liturgia: %s
Zajtra: %s
- liturgia: %s
""" format_html = """
""" def linkedit( s): return linkreplace.sub( r"\g<0>/", s) def xml_cell( den): st_list = "\t\t\t" + linkedit( den[ 'standarddnes'] or den[ 'dnes']) + "\n" if den[ 'standarddnes'] and den[ 'standarddnes'] != den[ 'dnes']: lit = den[ 'dnes'] + " (" + den[ 'liturgia'] + ( den[ 'priksv'] and ", prikázaný sviatok" or "") + ")" else: lit = den[ 'liturgia'] + ( den[ 'priksv'] and ", prikázaný sviatok" or "") return format_xml_cell % ( den[ 'isodat'], st_list, den[ 'priksv'] and " prikazanysviatok=\"True\"" or "", lit) def to_XML( den, days_fwd = 0): # days_fwd - pocet dni dopredu, kolko zobrazit dni = xml_cell( den) for x in range( 1, days_fwd + 1): dni += xml_cell( den + timedelta( x)) meniny = den[ "meniny"] and ( ">" + escape( den[ "meniny"]) + "" + escape( den[ "pamden"]) + "" + escape( den[ "meniny"]) + "." else: meniny = "" if pamatnedni: if den[ "pamden"]: if meniny: meniny += "
" meniny += "Dnes je " + den[ "pamden"] + "." elif not meniny: meniny += "Dnes je " + den[ "pamden"] + "." dneslit = liturgia_link % ( den[ "liturgia"] + ( den[ 'priksv'] and ", prikázaný sviatok" or ""), ) if den[ 'standarddnes'] and den[ 'standarddnes'] != den[ 'dnes']: dneslit = den[ 'dnes'] + " (" + dneslit + ")" contparam = [ linkedit( den[ 'standarddnes'] or den[ 'dnes']), dneslit] if tomorrow: zajtra = den + timedelta( 1) zajtralit = liturgia_link % ( zajtra[ "liturgia"] + ( zajtra[ 'priksv'] and ", prikázaný sviatok" or ""), ) if zajtra[ 'standarddnes'] and zajtra[ 'standarddnes'] != zajtra[ 'dnes']: zajtralit = zajtra[ 'dnes'] + " (" + zajtralit + ")" contparam += [ linkedit( zajtra[ 'standarddnes'] or zajtra[ 'dnes']), zajtralit] return format_httag % ( escape( den[ 'weekday']) + ", " + escape( den[ shortform and "numdat" or "textdat"]), meniny) + ( tomorrow and ( httag_dn_zajtra % tuple( contparam)) or ( httag_dnes % tuple( contparam))) + "\n\t
Liturgický rok: %s
\n" % ( den[ "litrok"], ) def index( req): urlparams = util.FieldStorage( req) rok = urlparams.getfirst( "rok") mesiac = urlparams.getfirst( "mesiac") den = urlparams.getfirst( "den") form = urlparams.getfirst( "format") daysfwd = urlparams.getfirst( "dopredu") pamdni = urlparams.getfirst( "pamdni") if type( rok) is util.StringField and rok.isdigit(): rok = int( rok) else: rok = None if type( mesiac) is util.StringField and mesiac.isdigit(): mesiac = int( mesiac) else: meisac = None if type( den) is util.StringField and den.isdigit(): den = int( den) else: den = None if type( form) is util.StringField: form = form.upper() if form not in ( "XML", "HTML", "HTTAG"): form = "HTML" if type( daysfwd) is util.StringField and daysfwd.isdigit(): daysfwd = int( daysfwd) else: daysfwd = 1 if pamdni in ( "0", "nie"): pamdni = False else: pamdni = True try: today = litcalendar( rok, mesiac, den) except Exception, e: today = litcalendar() if form == "HTTAG": req.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8" return to_HTTAG( today, pamdni, daysfwd) elif form == "HTML": # o req.content_type sa stara publisher return format_html + to_HTTAG( today, pamdni, daysfwd) + "
\n" else: # format == "XML" req.content_type = "text/xml; charset=utf-8" return to_XML( today, daysfwd)